Consider this your sign to STOP posting on social media so much. Yes, you read that right. All platforms are different, and yes they require different types of content, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep up with posting a ton on all the platforms.

While social media is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and small business owners, it can sometimes feel like you’re on a relentless treadmill. If you are feeling the need to always be on, always engaging, and always creating, you’re going to find yourself burnt out and frustrated. There’s a better way!

When it comes to today’s social media strategy, less is actually more. Not posting so much may sound pretty great, but how do you go about it? Here’s why and how you need to step away from the posting frenzy and work harder to get to a more intentional posting place.


Focus on quality over quantity. Posting good relatable content rather than a constant stream of content is going to get you more engagement in the long run, and will help build a more meaningful online presence. Don’t just check a box for the day and post something for the sake of posting it. Post something that matters to your audience.


Think about this…how can you put yourself into your social media so that you can better build a community around you? Where can you incorporate yourself? Stay away from the generic stock photos that anyone can use, and instead put yourself or your product into your content. By adding personal touches, you increase your authenticity and build better genuine relationships with your audience. 


Ready for a secret on how you can take one idea and turn it into four ways to share with your audience? Repurposing your content is going to save you a ton of time and stress so you don’t have to keep digging to find inspiration to find new things to post. 

  • Awareness Post: These are a great way to get conversations going. Try a storytelling method or list around a specific theme or ideas.

  • Elaboration (Tip/Tutorial) Post: Building on top of the awareness you’ve created, these dive a little deeper into a particular idea or topic you shared.

  • Community Building Post: These posts invite followers to connect with you on a more personal level. Give your audience a glimpse into your personal life and experiences sharing how you (or your clients) overcame the same types of problems your ideal client might be experiencing.

  • Action Post: This is the last piece of the puzzle. Ask people to leave your social media to dive deeper with you in a podcast, blog post, event, etc. 

The "4 Post Strategy" is not just about reducing your social media workload; it's about transforming your online presence into a powerful, efficient tool that supports and enhances your business goals. I’m also offering an incredible masterclass on how you can utilize this strategy to shift your social media so you get real results, and more freedom to focus on the day to day of your business.

So as we slowly creep into the new year, I encourage you to make it your goal to start posting less, and posting with intention. And this is exactly what I cover in a episode of Rocky Mountain Marketing. When you have the right framework in place, you don’t need to keep showing up, because you are already providing the content your audience wants. 

In a world that is saturated with content, how can you use this 4 post strategy to make your life a little easier, stand out from the noise, and make a lasting impression on your community? If you’re still stuck, I highly recommend you attend the masterclass, or simply reach out for help in upping your social media game.


INSTAGRAM RESEARCH STUDY 2023: The Best Time To Post To Instagram